Regular upkeep 😩🙃


How do you moms do basic upkeep on the household? Right now I’m at SAHM to a perfect almost 4 month old! I’m going back to work at the beginning on next year and just know it’s going to be so much harder and o don’t even have a handle on it now!! She’s a catnapper and will mainly only sleep during the day when I’m holding her so doing things when she’s asleep is almost always a no go! She’s not a fan of baby wearing, and HATES her bumbo! I feel like a terrible wife! My husband is in concrete and is barely home during the week so I can’t get much help from him. Also it takes her close to 2 hours every night to fall asleep and still wakes up 2x a night and at the ass crack of dawn so preferably tips for during the day because momma needs sleep too. All of our family works so i can only get “help” 1 day a week and by “help” i mean my MIL hands her over to me whenever she’s hungry, or tired, or crabby. 😩😩 picture just because I think she’s the most perfect thing in the world and I can’t believe I made this 😍