Partner afraid of TTC due to Ectopic


Hi everyone

My partner and I have had 3 miscarriages in less than a year with the last one in August ending with me in the ER with an ectopic pregnancy given the options of DandC, methotrexate or tube removal.

I took the methotrexate and was monitored for HCG until getting down to 0. I was in the ER 3 times in August, the third time for

potential rupture and internal bleeding. They did find something but nothing serious.

The Dr at first said wait 3 months to TTC then later she gave us the green light stating there are no studies stating methotrexate will hurt a baby.

We had aimed to begin trying in November and Now November is here , he just told me he does not want to TTC because he is afraid of seeing me end up in the ER again and doesn’t want to see me in pain again.

I completely understand how he feels, I feel afraid too but I have been working with my team of drs non stop for the past months to try and have the best chance. I have seen many specialists since the extopic and all the drs have given the green light.

IDK how to feel .. just bummed out 😞

Any advice