Feeling so crummy (tmi)

Normally, I get my usual "maybe af/maybe baby" during the 5-6 days before af. This month, I am having symptoms much earlier. I had cramping yesterday, mild and low in the abdomen, am constipated, exhausted, hungry ALL THE TIME, slightly sore nipples, and last night during s*x with the hubby, he was consistently "bottoming out", said it felt different, and after, it felt to me like he demolished my insides. I'm still sore today. I was talking to a gal at work about all this (we're close, and she's about 8 weeks prego) and she said she thinks I may be pregnant too, but that everything I told her was similar to the symptoms another coworker warned her to look for when expecting multiples! I'd love some insight, and have added my glow chart for the month to show just how early this all is for me.