Baby boy


Baby boy Julian Rey Anthony was born 11/4/18 @ 38 weeks weighing at 7 lb 5 oz and 19 1/2 in long

It was a tough delivery with alot of back pain. Which is back labor I wanted to avoid an epidural due to scared of big needle in my back but then I got to 6 cm I stayed at 6 for 3 hours and I chickened out and begged for an epidural with tears I was on gas and I tried fentanyl it took the edge off I went in at 3 am with severe contractions every 5 mins and that day I also had lost my mucus plug it had blood brown and red pink streaks he was born at 12 pm I was able to relax and sleep with the epidural the epidural had a little issue it only numbed half my body I felt contractions on my left side of belly but they fixed it and I was able to sleep and continue labor during sleep. we had alot of friends and family who came to visit and now finally we have some quiet time I got a 2nd degree tear my back hurts from the epidural but other than that he is perfect and I am doing well he latched on and is breast feeding beautifully I am so happy husband is happy and big sisters are happy but I think I am done having babies it is quite painful!! Being a 3 Rd time mom I think having the bloody mucus plug along with menstrual back pain was my sign of labor coming also he was very low! I was peeing like every 15-20 mins and just feeling fatigue good luck to all November Mama's I am gonna miss my pregnancy belly and all the kicks but I am excited for this new journey your almost gonna meet your babies!!