Coming off the pill


Hello my name is Jessika :)

My fiancé and I have decided to start trying for a baby. I have stopped my birth control that I have been using for over the past 10 years... had anyone else had there birth control for that long ? I feel different without it. I get hot flashes, headaches and as well as my second “ period” is super light and lasting 6 days now.... my periods use to only last 3 days and always was on the exact same day start and end. We have been tracking my cycle and I am just wondering even though I am spotting a tiny bit ( more with intercourse) can I still get pregnant ? I am “suppose “ to have my ovulation start in 3 days ... but if I am still spotting does that hold it off ?? Has anyone had this before ? If so please tell me what was your experience coming off the pill. Is this normal ?