Baby dust


So my husband and I have been TTC for a loooong time now. We’ve overcome a lot of obstacles. I started conception medication 2 months ago (something similar to clomid) September it did not read/reach a peak ovulation point but October it did. My husband and I tried BM every other day and then on my peak days.

I ovulated on October 24-25. About a week later I started having these weird cramps in my lower abdomen on one side. And occasionally would have a sharp pain but then it would go away. And have been nauseous the past 5 days. And this may be tmi but it’s hard to go #2 🙈

I gave in and took a early pregnancy test because my period is due in 3-4 days. And unfortunately it was negative but idk trying to keep my spirits up and pray aunt flow stays away.

Also my BBT is normally like 96-97 and when I ovulated it was 98.0 and then dipped I took it today and it was 98.18 I’ve never really charted BTT before but is that a good sign as well?

Thanks for advice and support everyone 💙