16 weeks...


And soooo anxious to really start feeling baby! Every now and then I get this feeling that baby is moving around, but I am never sure. It’s a very light feeling, and passes quickly. Sometimes it feels like pressure against my tummy, other times it feels like someone is taking their fingertips and walking them along the inside of my belly. I feel it mostly to the right of my belly button, and also behind my belly button. It’s so strange, I hope it’s baby movements! But I just can’t wait to really KNOW it’s my darling. I hear movements like crazy on the Doppler. I know I’m a FTM, so it could be a few more weeks until I really feel things. 3 more weeks and we find out the gender, and I just keep thinking if I could feel movements before then, that’ll keep me distracted enough in my anxious anticipation to find out if it’s a boy or girl! 💕