Car seat monitors are for bad parents?

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

If this isn’t controversial enough for this room I will move it, so I apologize in advanced if it’s not.

My husband and I are expecting a baby in January, and we are looking at car seat monitors that alert you if you left your baby in the car. Now, I would have never thought to get one, but it was actually my husbands idea as he is terrified of forgetting our baby in the back seat.

4 years ago he had a really bad concussion from competing in rodeo. Ever since then he has had pretty bad short-term memory. He has been diagnosed with very mild brain damage, but he’s still considered a fully functioning adult, but he’s still scared.

Anyways, as I’m researching different products I keep seeing people say that if you need something to remind yourself of your baby in the car, you shouldn’t be having children and are stupid/bad parents. (All paraphrased of course) even some family members asked why we are looking into them, saying “you don’t just forget a baby.” And of course the whole “we didn’t have those and we did it” speeches.

I’ve decided I’m getting one anyways, especially for my husbands peace of mind (I trust him completely) but what do you think? Do parents need to be more aware rather than rely on tech?