My birth story! Successful membrane sweep. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Karine 🌷 β€’ Mom of two handsome boys.πŸ’™ English is not my native language! Please excuse any mistakes.✌🏻

First of all I want you to know that english is not my native language, so please excuse my spelling/grammar mistake! 🀭

I was due with my second son november 12th. At my 38weeks appointment (38+4 exactly) my obgyn offered me a membrane sweep wich I wanted to try anyway! I was already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. The apt was at 12h40 and around 8pm I started having some light cramp, tought it was braxton hicks cause I use to get them pretty frequently by the last few weeks. They got more and more intense and got closer too. By 1am I was already having them every 3 or 4mins but I still wasnt conveinced they were real contractions cause they were painful yes but not as painful as my real labor with my first. I took a bath. They didnt go away. I called L&D and they told me to come. I woke up my bf abd our son and we get to the hospital. They did a cervix check and I was now 4.5cm dilated. So they asked me to walk for 2hrs in the hospital and come back for anotjer check up. (Grandma came to take our son with her in my 2hrs walk) so I came back and now I'm 5.5cm so they admitted us. πŸ™‚ I started having really painful contractions around 8am and I was still 5.5cm. I asked for the epidural, got it at 9am. The epidural slowed down my contraction so they broke my water and hook me on pitocin 1hrs later. I went from 6cm to 10cm in two hours and I was feeling the urge to push so I called the nurse and she confirmed I was complete and ready to push. πŸŽ‰ While waiting for my obgyn to arrive the nurse ask me to try some pushing. (Start the try at 12h05) then my obgyn came and we started pushing for real! I had him at 12h27 exactly. πŸ™ŒπŸ»β€ it went so well. Didnt even teared. They putted him on my chest and omg didnt remember how smallllll a newborn baby was! πŸ˜‘ I was convainced he was smaller than my first. Turns out he weighted the exact same thing! 6lbs11oz and mesuring 19po. And healthy as you can be. 😍 My hearth is full right now. And it looks like my uterus have only one baby mold πŸ˜‚ he is EXACTLY like his brother.

Thomas Vallières

11/03/18, 12h27pm

6lbs11oz, 19po

My first son ☝🏻 my second son. ☝🏻

And now at home. ❀❀❀ big brother is exicted and always want to be near the baby. Giving him kisses and hugs. ❀ Let's say i'm a proud and happy mama. 😍 sorry for the long post.