My Birth Story πŸ’–πŸ’–


Hi everyone! During my pregnancy I loved reading these stories! πŸ’– They gave me a strange sense of comfort, even the intense ones! I'm so excited to finally share my story! Sorry it's a long, I tend to be a tad wordy! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

My journey to bring my baby boy into this world started on Friday September 14th, at 36 weeks. I had taken a nap after work then went to dinner with my mom. During dinner I had such intense back pain that I had to stand because sitting was so uncomfortable. By the time we left dinner I was crying and in so much pain. We went home and I took a hot shower hoping it would help. It didn't. After another hour of trying to tough it out my husband and mom both thought I should go to the hospital. Being a FTM I had no idea what to expect so I thought maybe they were right and I was in labor. We get there and they hook me all up and check my cervix. I was dialated to 2cm and about 60% effaced. I thought omg I'm gonna have a baby today - wrong! They tested my urine and said I had a UTI and it was causing the contractions and causing me to dialate.They gave me a bunch of fluids and sent me home on an antibiotic. The pain continued for the rest of the weekend but got a little better. I had a Dr appointment on Monday. When my Dr checked me I was still dialated at 2cm but was now 80% effaced. She checked my urinalysis from the hospital and said she didn't see a UTI in the results at all, she saw normal bacteria for someone in labor and told me to stop the antibiotics right away. (Because they were giving me major diarrhea) She said "you'll have this baby by next week." Of course she was leaving for the Bahamas for the next two weeks! Ugh! I love my Dr. and really wanted her to be there!

So I decide to just work through the back labor that would come and go! Come that Friday I was in such pain I only worked a half day and sat at my desk the whole time. I rested the rest of the weekend but felt that I would go into Labor on Sunday. I just had a feeling. My husband works really long hours this time of year so my mom came over to be with me all day Sunday while we waited for something to happen. Finally my husband got home at 10:30pm and we went to bed around 11pm. I laid there but couldn't sleep because I was so uncomfortable. I got up to pee at around 11:45pm and I thought I had peed my pants because the bed was wet and so were my thighs. Then it hit me that it most likely was my water!! I called labor and delivery and told them what happened and that I had tested positive for Strep B. Because of that they said I should come in just to be safe but because it was such a small amount they figured I just peed. So I wake up my poor husband who only got about an hour of sleep after working a 15 hour day.

We get to the hospital and it turns out that it was indeed my water so they admitted us. I was dialated to 3 and almost completely effected. The pain wasn't so horrible yet so we tried to get some rest. I couldn't sleep at all, too anxious! But thankfully my husband got a couple hours of sleep. They checked me again at about 4am and I hadn't dialated any farther so they suggested I start pitocin at 6am if we weren't progressing, due to the Strep B. I absolutely didn't want Pitocin because I've heard horror stories. My mom, who is a nurse, suggested that maybe if they break my water fully that I might progress on my own. The on call Dr. didn't want to come in and didn't think it would help. So I sat there, not progressing until 6am when they started the Pitocin. Then at 7am the on call Dr. changed and he came in to check me and was surprised they didn't break my water before doing the Pitocin so he broke it and was shocked at the amount of fluid! He said that things should start rolling now. About an hour later my contractions picked up dramatically and were a minute and a half apart. I figured we must be getting close! Nope. Still only at 4cm, but fully effaced. My contractions stayed a minute and a half apart and were so intense due to the Pitocin. Finally at about 11:45am, after about 4 hours of that, I decided I couldn't handle it anymore and asked for an epidural. I had been awake for about 30 hours at this point and was getting basically no break in between contractions. I got up to use the restroom while waiting for the epidural. While on the toilet my body started involuntarily pushing! It was so surreal! My nurse got me right back in bed and checked me again. I was at a 10 and she could see his head!!! She said no wonder you wanted that epidural all of a sudden, that was a huge change in a short time! Just then the guy walks in to give me the epidural. The nurse and my mom were both like she can't get it now so he turned around to leave. In my pain and panic I shout out "wait come back!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ He looked at me and said "I'll get you next time!" Lol At this point 3 more nurses had rushed in and they are breaking down for bed and getting the room ready. The Dr. walked in just as they finish and takes one look and says "Well I guess you are ready!" At that moment I felt a contraction coming. Dr. said ok here we go, get ready to push on this one. I looked at husband and he looked so nervous it was almost comical, almost! Lol He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead and it was time. I pushed through 3 contractions, 7 times and my son was here! He came out so quickly that I ripped at the bottom and the top of my vagina! With no pain meds I felt Every. Single. Thing. I felt my clitoris rip in half. I didn't even know that was possible!! It hurt so bad I yelled "he busted my fucking vagina!" πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Not my classiest moment! Lmao! The pain was short lived tho because he was here, my baby boy! And all my attention went right to him! I started talking to him and he opened his little eyes and stopped crying as soon as he heard my voice! That was the single greatest moment of my life! I look at my husband who was crying like a baby and everything else in the world was gone. ❀ I must say that I'm so proud of my body for what I was able to do! I never thought I could do a vaginal birth with absolutely no pain meds, especially with the Pitocin, being awake for a very long time and my contractions being so close for so long! I had basically no break in between them for hours. The female body is such an amazing thing and capable of so much!!

Our sweet man was born 3 weeks early on September 24th 2018 at 12:30pm. Mason Roger Murawski

6lbs 2oz

19 1/4 in long

He's now 6 weeks old and doing great! Thank you for taking the time to read through my LONG story! Your reward - baby spam!! 😍😍❀❀