Is she eating too much???


After two years of being a stay at home mom and EBF my kids, I've recently decided to go back to working. My mom (who formula fed all her kids) has agreed to watch my kids. One of them being my 10 week old daughter. I've become very worried that she may be overfeeding her.

So she said she warmed a 4 oz bag, she ate it amd claimed she was still hungry.. Warms up another 4oz bag.. Still hungry.. Warms up. A 3.5 bag she drinks 2 or 3 oz of that. This is all new to me so I'm not completely sure if this is a normal amount for her to eat. (Growth spurt maybe??)

I guess I'm just worried because I'm only pumping about 3 oz total per session so can I even keep up with how much she is feeding her?! My mother eants to give her formula but I really DON'T want to if I don't have to...