My labor story

Nettie • Mommy of Two Boys
So I never shared my story and would love to since I love reading others. Saturday August 8th was my 26 birthday. since I was already 2-3cm's, I wanted to do as little as possible so my fiancé and I only went to dinner. When we got back home we snuggled on the couch and watched more episodes of The Sons Of Anarchy, around midnight I decided to soak in the tub since I last minute got a hemorrhoid, around 1230 I felt some cramping but didn't think nothing of it. I woke up around 3 something in the morning contracting and  to use the bathroom and when I laid back down I felt this sudden rush of wetness, so I got up again and in the bathroom I see water leak to the floor seen a small puddle but wasn't exactly sure, until those contractions got stronger. So I decided to wait an hour before going in, hour passes, I wake up my fiancé and he asks me calmly if I was for real this time and why did I wait so long to tell him lol, the contractions are getting more intense, finally we arrived and I'm 6cm's dilated, I get admitted within 10 minutes and 15 mins later I get an epidural. After the epidural is in they check me and I'm 9.5 cm's. I had to push to get him down because he was still high but once he was down it took two pushes and he's out. The longest 4 hours but I look back and it was actually the quickest. He was born at 8:07am  7lbs 2.5 oz and 21inches long!