He never puts effort in anymore.

Recently, I notice that my boyfriend just doesn’t put the same effort in that he used to, and it’s really tearing me up inside.

He used to tell me how much he loved me, he was so grateful to have me, that he missed me and that I was so beautiful. He’s always text me first and text me good morning and goodnight, and he’s seem interested in the conversations we were having. He’d also want to meet me pretty much every day, he’d take a huge interest in my daily life, show me off to all his friends, and go on about how much I was out of his league (not sure if that’s the right phrase, I’m meaning to say he thought I was far more attractive than him. I hate to say that, but it’s what he said.)

Now, I always have to suggest we meet up, I have to ask him about his life (he doesn’t ask me), I always have to text him good morning first, and when we text he just comes off as rude and uninterested. Just saying things like






I ask him what’s wrong, if he’s angry, how he’s feeling, and he just goes “why? I’m fine.” “I’m not angry.” “Nothings wrong.” I’ve asked him a lot, but he just starts to get annoyed and insists nothing is wrong.

The real kicker here is, my boyfriend and I have been dating only just over two months. Two months. I just didn’t think it’d go sour this quickly. I’ve had other boyfriends where things soured quickly, but he just didn’t seem like that sort of guy.

Honestly, normally I would ignore this stuff. But I’m really struggling with my mental health right now. Basically, I was assaulted numerous times, pretty recently, and I’m really having a tough time trying to process. So I really just have this fear of being used by someone and then tossed away. It’s happened with every single guy I’ve slept with/dated, and I’m just scared it’s going to happen with him. I really just couldn’t take it.

He doesn’t know I’m struggling. I truly don’t think he’d understand, mental health is not a topic that’s on his radar. He told me he was stressed about something with his bank, and I wrote him a huge paragraph about how it’s important to take care of your mental health, because otherwise I had no way to bring up his mental health, and he just went “hahaha, thanks.”

So basically my fears are that I’m being used. I love him, but this feeling won’t go away. I don’t know how to even bring it up with him. He’s very sensitive. Please help. I don’t even know what I’m asking here, I just want some advice.

Edit: a couple of other things I should’ve mentioned. He’s not only like this over texting, it’s kind of started to happen when we meet. He just come off as uninterested, but right now it’s mainly over text that’s bothering me.

But there are some problems here. My family loves him, even my grandparents (he’s not from here, and they’re pretty racist people). They think he’s perfect for me, since he’s polite and well mannered.

Also, we have a trip planned next month. We’ve paid for it and everything, no cancellations. I told him we should invest in the cancellation option, but he was like “why would we cancel?” I tried to explain that things can go wrong, one of us can get sick, stuff like that. But he just got offended, assuming I meant that I would cancel. So I just let it go.