Heeeeeeelp I’m dying I’m crying Icant get pregnant!

So I had sex on August the 24 the condom broke so I took the pill PLAN B that same night. I still felt insecure so I took the pill ELLA on the 28, I received a light period on the 29 and lasted 3-4 days.

I can’t get pregnant so on September the 7 the I took my first pregnancy test, it came out negative I was really happy about but my period didn’t came back( one of the reasons is because I have a really bad irregular period) I’m afraid that test didn’t work. So on September I started developing symptoms such as sore breast, acne, sometimes I felt like I had a nod in my throat, also hard to describe in my tommy felt like bubble or movement... like gases yet it doesn’t hurt like if my organs were moving really wired shit? which is getting me freaked out! Also tired and mood swings.

I received a light period in October 22 on the 25th it stoped light period bright red, how do I know for a fact that it is my period and not an implementation! Idk what implementation looks like at all so help me out I’ve done research yet it doesn’t help still don’t get it?

My friend she got pregnant and told me she also received this medium period.

I’m fucking freaking out!!!!!!

When is the perfect moment to do another pregnancy test?!?!