Advice for someone who is going to break up with someone needed and appreciated <3

Hello, beautiful people!

I have a boyfriend who is an amazing person. I genuinely love him, and I have for nearly two years. But there are some problems...

I don't want to be with him anymore.

I know that it's probably just the "two year drop", but I also know that I never wanted this relationship to be permanent. We are so, so incompatible when it comes to the long term. It's just what's right. It's not fair for me to lead him on, because (among many other reasons,) he wants permanence and I don't.

I have to respect what is fair to him, and what I want.

In other words, I need to know how to break up with him without devastating him, causing trust issues in his future relationships, or anything else. I don't want to hurt him. He's done nothing, absolutely nothing wrong, and it will be a long, long time before I will stop loving him.

Thank you so, so much to anyone who responds, and to anyone who took the time to read this <3