My heart is broken

Abusive relationship.. cheating.. I’m hurting so much. The man I love has been continuously hitting me on different occasions.. some on when he’s drunk and sometimes when an argument comes up. Tonight, for whatever reason I had a bad feeling and felt I needed to check his phone and of course there it was.. messages between him and an unsaved number talking about meeting up to have sex tomorrow. Of course, I woke him up and confronted him and he said he didn’t know what it was and played dumb until he snatched the phone from my hands. I told him I wanted him to leave and he kept saying no, the more I asked him to leave the angrier he got to the point where he backhanded me in the face.. i could hear my ear was ringing. It was excruciating but of course I wasn’t going to let that stop me from continuing to tell him to leave.. then again another backhand to the other side of my head and my other ear began to ring too.. he didn’t leave. He threatened me saying he was going to take my daughter away from me and take custody of her.. he’s asleep on the floor now. I feel like I have shattered into a million pieces. I don’t call the cops on him, because even though he does this to me.. I love him too much to ruin his career as a School Teacher.. it may sound weak of me but I don’t have it in my heart to do so.