Holy CM

Karen • Mom to 1🐻 Wife👰Marine🎖️Student🎒TTC #2👶

I'm 4DPO. 1DPO extremely nauseous, fatigued, lower belly aches, back aches, diarrhea. 2DPO abdominal bloating, fullness in uterus with cramping, back aches, fatigue, diarrhea. 3DPO lower abdominal cramping, fullness in uterus, twinges of pain in the left and right sides, gassy beyond belief. 4DPO almost all symptoms seem to have subsided besides gas. EXCEPT I just went to the bathroom and had the most lotiony creamy CM come out of me in huge globs with clear/yellowy mucus in it... Could this be a pregnancy symptom? I know CM is not a good indicator, but this is NOT normal.