Things kids say😂


So I was having a discussion with my oldest son and he was trying to argue his way out of doing what he was told. I'm not a strict parent and I laugh if I get on to my kids and they say cute things or make crazy crying faces. Like I will hug them if I hurt their feelings because I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Well I was telling my oldest son who is 6 that he has to listen and follow directions when I tell him something. It isn't fair that he doesn't have to listen while his siblings do. Well he was in mid sentence and I asked him "how old are you"

Him- 6

Me- ok but mommy is telling you to do something and you're trying to argue

H- well I just.

M- but you're 6 and mommy is how old

H- idk, like a teenager

At this point all reasoning is lost, I just said awww thank you. And gave him a hug lol. He says, "well you're older than me and look like 17 so that's why" Kid you just go do you and have fun with your siblings. 😂😂😂😂