When have you announced your pregnancy! »?


Hello everyone :)

I’m 37 years old and exactly 13 weeks along today.

I know that they say that this is a safer time and many ppl announce- yet I’m wondering when you all have?

So far, my close family and only 4 close girlfriends know.

As does my 2 bosses at work (in case I run from the room nauseous! Lol)

I had my Nuchal scan yesterday and all looked good.

Yet, I’m also going in for an NIPT/Panorama/Harmony test next Friday, so wondering if I should wait till after I get those results back to announce it to the rest of the world! Lol

I had a lady who commented on my tummy asking when I was due lol

So I guess I can’t use the ‘weight gain’ excuse much longer ;)