Doctor had to cancel my 39 week appt. :(

My 39 week appt was supposed to be yesterday but the doc got called in for a delivery and wasn't going to make it back in time before the end of the day, so they cancelled. Totally understandable, except the other doc in the practice is on vacation and they don't have office hours Thurs, Fri or on weekends, so now I can't see anyone until Monday, when I'll be 39+6. I've been 2-3 cm for 2.5 weeks (and 1-2 a week before that) and I was so hoping to get an update at this appointment (well, actually, was really hoping magic would happen and he'd send me to L&D) that I ended up coming home in tears. I feel so helpless just sitting around waiting for this baby to come, and so miserably uncomfortable most of the time that there's not even a whole lot I can do to take my mind off it. Hubby thinks I'm a little crazy so I just needed to vent to people who might understand.