Ok tell me what you all get out of these messages

And he’s had another women from a different group buy him iTunes cards to play the game. He got on yesterday and deleted the conversation but he doesn’t know that I already say it an screenshoted it. I wanna text him and say hey babe love heart eyes don’t forget to send your love letter today and get nice and hard and take good care of her while your there but not til after she done. I’m so fucking pissed I told him I wasn’t doin this bullshit again/ I’ve done it 10 times over no more. 5 kids and baby on way. I new something was going on because we had an amazing sex life all the time everyday sometimes twice a day. Now I’m lucky if I even get touched once a month. Yesterday I went in and changed his passwords on everything email l, iTunes Facebook apps he is on I mean everything except this game because I’m watching him. He can’t get on anything. Just like last time made his lying cheating ass start from scratch so he can’t talk to his bitches. Sorry. I’m so pissed off. I just can’t decide how I wanna handle the bullshit. I mean I really wanna yell and scream and well murder him but we have kids and there no safe time to even confront him on this just so he deny it. Oh and my favorite thing he always says sexting isn’t cheating it’s porn. On what planet his way of trying to get me to think it’s ok when I know he’s sexting women and meeting up with them but ya it’s not cheating. This fucking sucks I thought this was all behind us. He’s just a male fucking whore that is 37 and thinks he’s 19. Again sorry I’m just losing it for real.

I will add 3 yrs ago he cheated with my best friend we made choice to leave everything and move 1600 miles away. Everything was great until this game came along about a yr ago now. It it’s just gotten worse since then. I spy on his phone with app called ikeymonitor so it shows me everything is how I changed passwords on him and he has no idea.