My birth story!!!

Makenzie • 10/10/18 💗🥰

I finally get to write mine after a month, throughout my pregnancy everything went perfect, I was 38weeks2days due 10/18/18🤰🏼 Saturday was a normal day until the late evening comes & I start getting a headache. All night I’m tossing and turning can’t sleep, go in the shower to relax in the warm water, nothing was working. Sunday morning & my head at this point is pounding. I figure let me check my blood pressure just because. So I do & it comes out to 141/106 which is CLEARLY high, long story short they’re inducing me due to sudden preeclampsia. Day one goes by and nothing happens, day 2 they start me on the Mizo pill every 4 hrs, That Eventually helped me get to 3cm. After many hrs I was still only a 3, they used pitocin & STILL NOT DILATING!

At this point I’m frustrated and confused. Day 3 comes & todays the day I was thinking...... all day nothing helps, I walked, I bathed, I did anything I could at this point to just get INTO labor. Finally around 7pm they want to try the balloon to induce the labor. 2 hours later it comes out meaning it helped dilate me, I call the nurse and tell her & she checks me & now I’m finally 4cm after 24 hours of nothing. THATS when the contractions started coming in. That night I was in pain but I was happy because my body was doing it!! Around 3am I get the epidural and that helped me so much. The nurses come in around 5am & check me and tell me my water has leaked and I’ll be a mommy in a few hours! I try to get sleep but at this point I’m so excited to even try. 10am now and I’m 10cm!!!! An hour and a half pushing my baby girl is finally here 10/10/18 7lb 14oz 20in @ 11:57am

Almost a month old already 💗