Long Distance Relationship


About 3wks ago my dad and his work partner traveled to Houston to do some projects here. The first night they decided to have dinner at our house and let me tell y’all.. I looked like shit lol I was studying so I had some ripped sweat pants old t shirt and my curls were everywhere. I step downstairs and there’s this guy, we stared at each other and I completely forgot what I looked like until my dad interrupted our connection and introduced me to him. I was so embarrassed but he was polite so we exchanged hi’s. We sat the dinner table after eating joking around talking for hours, I felt drawn to him and he would flirt with me. We just kept staring at each other. My dad caught on and was feeling super uncomfortable, after a while he said they needed to head out so I told him bye. Days later we hung out and went out to eat, It went really well and I felt comfortable around like we known each for a while. We exchanged numbers later that day and started texting getting to know each other.. everything flowed easily. The night before him and my dad left we snuck out to get privacy and we had our first kiss. At first we were both super nervous but than we leaned in and started making out. Y’all it was 🔥🔥 there was so much passion I felt sparks and I felt our body vibrations together. I wanted to be his. Later I found out he’s a Scorpio and I’m Pisces, so the connection was perfect. He left.. I miss him. I’ll be heading back to the state he lives in for thanksgiving and his bday to see him and family, than he will head back to Houston for more work. We said we wanted to work out. He’s sweet calm intelligent intense caring and a gentlemen. Does this sound to good to be true? How to do I make a LDR work? For those in one please give me tips.