
Bebe • Mother of 2 amazing boys🙇🏽‍♂️,Girlfriend to an amazing boyfriend 💏 , MC 9/25/18👼🏽 my 🌈 👶🏽 8/26/19 currently pregnant with baby #3 a baby girl 🎀 coming 2022

So it’s no secret I want another child I had my son 10 years ago and I found out I was pregnant August this year by the end of September I had a miscarriage I was 11+2 I was every bit upset and angry asking god why especially when I was waiting to make my big announcement... 7 weeks had past and as I go on social media I see my friends planning baby showers and having their children I always sit and think like damn I would have been 18wks I probably would’ve found out the sex of my baby me and my boyfriend we’re hoping for a girl, my first sonogram and waiting for my belly to get huge it’s a huge disappointment and I thought I’d be ok knowing some time has passed but I’m not my baby was going to be so loved and they never got a chance to witness it 😢Anyway I struggle having conversations with my boyfriend on trying again or even speaking on the miscarriage I’ve attempted to last night and he fell asleep on me 🤬I was so hurt he apologize this morning but I was so emotionally drained and my mind was going 100mph I just broke down in tears when he dropped me off at work I feel selfish if I ask him to try again because of our Financial stability and the fact the we already have kids from previous relationships. But i also feel that I’m not getting any younger and I want /need this right now I’m not saying I’m trying to replace the baby we lost but when I lost that baby in my bathroom I lost apart of me and I just want that part back. I’m super depressed and when we have sex it’s good but the connection isn’t the same especially since he started pulling out I feel weird and I’m not myself I want to scream,cry , fight and break shit all the time I need advice ladies and since I been on this app you guys really help me when I have no on to turn to.