Help a girl out?


So, my life at the moment to me is absolutely awful and I feel ridiculously depressed. I’m 19, just started uni a few months ago and I hate the location of my uni as well as my accommodation (it makes me feel trapped and isolated) and I have made 0 friends due to the fact I get very anxious in enclosed spaces with lots of people - therefore won’t go to clubs. And everybody seems to want to go to clubs and because I don’t I feel boring and like a very bland and not interesting person which makes me upset and lowers my self-esteem. So I have virtually no social life because I have met no people similar to me with similar interests. Everyone just wants to go out get drunk and party and that’s just not me.

Im currently in a pit of sadness I can’t get out of and I keep repeating my problems to my mum and my boyfriend but talking about it doesn’t make it better anymore... and I am just unsure as to what to do. Im sick of feeling this sad and drained but honestly can’t see a solution to make it better