Is it really so bad to not like your engagement ring?

Don’t get me wrong, the sentiment of that special someone buying you a ring because they want to spend the rest of their life with you is a beautiful one, but is it so bad to just not like the ring?

I’ve been given plenty of gifts that I don’t like, I’m always appreciative because that person chose to spend their money on me when they didn’t have to, but usually end up giving them away - there’s no use in something sitting around that I won’t use/wear if someone else can. I’m not sure about you, but I’d prefer to know if someone didn’t like something I gave them and always give gifts with gift receipts so the person can return and get something they like/want (I just don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted money). Engagement rings are no small expense, so is it really so bad to admit to your fiancé that you don’t like the ring and would prefer to pick out something else?

Disclaimer: don’t scold me, I’m genuinely curious. I’ve also not been proposed to, but should I ever be in such a situation, I want to be prepared and make sure I’m as kind and respectful as possible.