Yoni steam 🏵️💦

Yogi • Head in the ☁️ Feet in the 🏖

So I'm doing a yoni steam for the second time and I swear it puts me in a very good mood. For those of you who are considering please give it a shot. It's tots worth it.🤔👌🏾

As far as the medicinal benefits, I've had a yeast infection and it was supper irritated and itchy and it soothed it!! After a week of caretaking my yoni, I better than normal 😉🏵️

I'm doing a Yoni steam again because My Boo and I have really been jackrabbiting lately lol (jasmine incense) and my moon cycle is coming around so I'm trying to prep and rejuvenate.

Update upon request. But I do want to encourage you ladies to tots do the yoni steam. 😊💖 Inbox/comment for any questions 📬📩💕