
Today I picked up my boyfriend from work and he had some food that I was craving for he didn’t know. We get home and he asks if I wanted some I say yes, he begins to eat and asks me to grab a utensil to eat with. Now this is where my feelings get hurt he made me feel like I had to eat right then and there because he was hungry I asked if he can save me some he basically told me no , get what you’re gonna get and that’s it. I felt really angry I cried and said I don’t want any he got upset because I no longer wanted to eat. But he failed to realize that if I didn’t eat right then and there I wouldn’t of ate anyways. He got real angry and reversed it on me , told me to shut the front door I’m pissing him off. I cried for 20 mins he haven’t checked on me nothing what should I do ?? I’m very upset right now