I’m so confused....

I’ve been on and off with the same guy for almost 5 YEARS now. Part of me loves him so much that it hurts to even think about not having him but then another part of me hates him more than I’ve ever hated anyone.

He has done me so wrong so many times but I can never bring myself to leave him. We’ve separated more times than I can count and he has broken up with me every time for reasons that make no sense. And I always let him come back to me. He cries and makes me feel like an awful person for even considering not forgiving him.

He has even texted girls with me sitting right beside him. It makes me so angry but I ignore it and keep quiet. In the beginning, I was so happy. Now, it feels like we are only together because it feels normal. I don’t think I’m happy at all anymore. But I can’t decide if I finally want to be free or not. Because I love him, I just can’t decide if I’m still in love with him.... if that makes any sense.