Him, Me, & The EX Wife.........

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train
My husband and I have been together for quite a while. We met when he and his then wife were separated. Their divorce came through maybe 4-5 months after we started dating. During that time she was absolutely horrible. 
Before we started dating I asked him a lot of questions making sure he was sure they were done. I didn't want to get in between them if they were trying to work it out. He sure they were done and we started dating. As I said earlier His ex wife was horrible the whole time. She was constantly texting him, calling him all the time leaving voicemails that were nasty. She practically stalked both of us and even somehow tracked down my family and friends and told them all kinds of lies. Now we are married and have been for a while and she still bothers us. Monday night she texted him 60 times and called him 10. It's not everyday but it is at least 2-3 times a week. She has even called MY job and said some horrible Hingis about me to my boss. She has sent nasty letters to my work because she doesn't know our address. He has told her multiple times to stop and leave us alone, I have both heard it and saw texts where he told her that. He rarely texts her back when she texts him and doesn't answer her calls. 
What can be done? I don't understand, they are divorced, he has a separate life, why can't she leave us alone? They do have children together but the children are grown and it's not like it affected their life in any way that mommy and daddy aren't still together. His boys actually supported him and couldn't believe he lasted that long in the marriage. I don't know her, I don't put her down, I have never been anything but nice to her the two times I have seen her. I just want to be left alone.