Abusive parents


Ahhhh you guys. I need a second to vent, I’m up and can’t sleep because things got crazy today. I’m 15 weeks and I have two older boys. My hubby is gone this week for work so I’m trying to hold it together but struggling. Anyway I took my kids to get happy meals and play at McDonald’s for dinner (don’t judge) because they needed to run around and play. About 30 minutes after we had been there a little boy about my own boys ages comes out crying from the play place and his parents start screaming at him “who did it! What do you mean you don’t know!” Like actually screaming at the crying child. And then another women walks past and tell them it was my kid, that she saw him “do it.”

Then the parents start screaming at me to do something. My kids are still up in the play place and I can’t even see them. They are cursing at me and telling me I “obviously don’t give a F@#$ because I’m just standing there. They begin to scream how they think I should handle it. Meanwhile I’m trying to talk them down. The kid is still crying. I have no idea what happened and his parents don’t either. I’m asking them in my best calm collected voice to try to keep calm and to please not speak to me like that. I apologized profusely that their son was hurt and they kept telling me to go get my kid and bring him over. I was for sure not about to do that to him. These people where verbally abusing me, trying to bully me, and I told them repeatedly I would be sure and talk to him about when I had the chance, later. Other parents started asking them to stop cursing in front of all the children. They finally left.

Right after they left my two kids came down (age 5 and 8 by the way). My older son is clearly shook up but neither of them are crying. I ask them to tell me what happened. He said the other boy was picking on his little brother and he asked him to stop. Then the boy turned around and started scratching him in the face and wouldn’t stop. Mind you, his face and ear is bleeding with scratches as he’s telling me. He said he told the boy he didn’t want to hurt him and tried to tell him to stop but when he didn’t he kicked him hard in the face. my younger son was watching and tried to help, apparently.

He was so shook up, I have not seen him look like that before. He wasn’t himself at all. He didn’t come down sooner because he could hear the boys parents yelling and he was afraid. On the way home he complained that his ears were ringing and he couldn’t hear very well. That’s when I asked him If he got hit in the head and he said no but he slammed my head into the wall. 😢

I feel awful. I was so stressed. I hate confrontation and I hate that my kids went through that. I mean they have had playground scuffles and issues like all kids do, but this was something else. If his ears are still ringing in the morning I will take him into the pediatrician. I’m just so wound up about this and with my husband gone i don’t have anyone to vent with. Thanks for reading. I just keep going over it wondering if I should have done anything differently. 😔