Psychotic sister in law

My SIL is freaking weird. I’m expecting my first child and every time she sees my face she considers her holy duty to tell me birth horror story. Mind you she has 1 son and she went to a c section by her own will.

She asked me what birth I want I told her preferably natural cuz no one on my side ever had a c section and I rather not be cut open for no medical reason.

She keeps making these weird faces and telling me how they are gonna put needles in my urethra with a catheter, stitch me up, put a cut in my vagina, induce me for no reason and that I’m gonna be bleeding out after birth. And I’m just sitting there with a damn blank face and telling her that I’m not scared of any of that cuz in my family we recently had 3 new babies and none of that crap happened.

I don’t let it get to me too much but omg it’s like 5 am and I woke up feeling anxious and angry cuz all of this. I just wish she would shut up sometimes cuz she doesn’t talk about anything else