Whole milk from WIC

Okay parent friends. Has anyone ever tried to get whole milk for a 2 year old from WIC? 2 year old and 1 year old won't drink less then whole milk but WIC is taking 2 year old's whole milk away on Monday. I told their doctor and he wrote a note for them saying that he is afraid 2 year old won't get enough milk of they give him whole milk and that 2 year old HAS to have whole milk. I called WIC today to ask them if I could email them the letter since husband works all day and they said that the letter probably won't be enough and that it's really really hard to get whole milk for a 2 year old. Can anyone give me any advice on how to keep his whole milk? He won't drink anything less then whole. I got a gallon of 2% once because it was cheaper and he FREAKED out and refused the milk because he didn't like it. He fights me on even trying to water down his milk.