Need some advice please!!!

Okay so I’m a a sophomore and I have been dating a guy for almost a month and he makes me very happy. I actually met him last year but we didn’t talk that much and we talked a lot this year since we both started marching band and that was just a coincident that we both started this year. But either way I noticed that he tells his female friend i love you and then tells me but he will even tell his female friends that he loves them first right in front of my face and then goes to me. This also happens with hugs too. But there is one thing that makes me really jealous and that’s when he tells his best friend all of these amazing things about her and how much he loves her and he gives her more attention and hugs. But this is the reason I’m jealous and worried is that his friends and family told me that he had a crush on her for a long time but she keeps on saying no or not answering at all. But she has a boyfriend now and his best friend is my best friend too but it still worries me. Also when he tells her and the rest of his lady friends that he loves them then he will tell me but I feel like when he tells me he loves me I feel like he’s not 100% sure of his feeling or just saying that since I’m there feeling left out of his I love you’s. Now what should I do now like should I talk to him of how I feel or try to control my jealousy since I’m over reacting??

Update: okay so I told my friend about the situation and he toke matters to his own hands and told by boyfriend. But the thing was my friend is a guy and he’s the one that told me and my boyfriend to date since we flirted a lot to each other and it seemed we would be a good couple. So he’s the one that we should of date so I owe him big time. But either way my friend told him that he seemed like he flirted a lot with girls and it didn’t seem like he gave me that much attention. So my boyfriend told him that he understood and he won’t do that again since he understood that it seems bad of his action and body language towards his lady friends. So from that conversation he still wouldn’t change and I want to talk to him on my own but the thing is that I always break into tears since my last relationship was really toxic. By this my ex mentally abused me. By this when me and my ex were dating he used to tell my friends that he loves them and also he hugs them. But by this he ended cheating on me with my best friend. So that’s why I broke into tears since I don’t want to be hurt again but I know my current bf wouldn’t do that. So my question is how do I bring in the topic and how do I make myself calm so I won’t cry and think negatively?