Don’t bring children into this world if you aren’t ready!!


I’ve always been in between I guess, to each their own, I personally will always keep my children and I don’t judge the ones who don’t. So anyways, I was randomly thinking to myself that if I end up pregnant now (I think my iud has moved and I’m waiting for my doctors appointment) I’d keep my child regardless.. & then I go on Facebook and I see a video of maybe a newborn or one month old who’s mouth is completely destroyed, full of blood, because the mother got mad the baby was crying of hunger. Ladies, if you don’t want your child don’t have it. I’d say give it up for adoption but we all know the system is full of kids who go to homes that aren’t so well, some are though don’t get me wrong. I HATE any thought of abortion because for me that’s a child right there but in my eyes that’s better off than abandoning your child, hurting your child, abusing your child, killing your child.. If you guys would’ve seen that video 😔 I don’t think it will ever erase from my mind. I cry just thinking about it. Don’t bring children into this world if you aren’t ready! Not even financially or age wise ready but mentally and emotionally ! I’m so tired of seeing crap like everywhere. Either its someone abusing their babies, torturing or killing them. How fucking sick do you have to be like for real. My son is 5 years old and I feel guilty if I yell at him 🤦🏻‍♀️ My daughter is 5 months old and I feel bad if I let her cry for a few minutes while I’m in the damn bathroom. I wish there was a law that you’d need to pass a mental evaluation or something during your pregnancy for you to be allowed to keep your child.