Short Term Relationship Ended- Really Miss Him


I was dating this guy for about 2.5 months. The first few weeks were absolutely amazing, he was so incredibly attentive and affectionate, we had awesome chemistry, talked all the time, like couldn't get enough of each other. I typically am not a fan of pet names, cuddling, staying over, etc. but with him I WANTED those things, I felt comfortable with those things and they felt right with him and I've never experienced that. I was/am definitely falling for him. About a month into the relationship, he had some family drama happen and then got really sick. He started to become more distant, not schedule plans with me in the future as much, not be as attentive/when we'd be in bed he'd be on his phone more, etc. but I chalked it up to him dealing with a lot. In hindsight it was at this point he was starting to reconsider us, and I had probably become too dependent on him (I had just moved to a new city when I met him) and since he had been sick I was probably too "motherly." Not trying to say I did anything wrong, but trying to look at the situation logically. When we did see each other, we still had so much fun, we were still intimate, and I really enjoyed his company and he seemed to enjoy mine as well. I feel like because of all of the life events that happened we really didn't have a good amount of time to get to know each other and we really moved very fast. When he ended things, he said he thought we were better off as friends (and was like he really wanted to be my friend and do the things we had talked about doing, even said don't give me an answer now because he knew I'd say no) but that he also acknowledged that he didn't know what the future could hold as well. We were exclusive and he didn’t cheat but did say he was interested in seeing who else was out there. He’s family oriented and really wants a family- we’re both in our mid 20s and I’m in a PhD program- so he also said he doesn't want to wait that long to start a family and be an "old dad." We hadn’t talked about kids other than the fact that he wanted them, people in my program get married and have kids all the time, so I feel like 1) his reasoning was premature for us in our relationship and 2) unfair to me because we hadn’t discussed it together. I really miss him though because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, but since I’ve also never felt this way and I’m in a new place could I possibly be latching on? All I know is I really miss his voice, his smell, his arms around me, his warmth, lying next to him, waking up next to him, spending time with him, seeing his name pop up on my phone, hearing him call me babe, etc. He really is a great guy, very kind, family-oriented, fun, etc. but I do acknowledge his flaws. He just ended things a few days ago and we haven’t talked since. What do I do?