So. Much. Pain.

Vanessa • A mom to 3 boys 💙💙💙

My body is really struggling with carrying my boys. Walking it's a struggle with my pubic pain. It's excruciating to the point I either need help or I am in tears. I also have sciatic pain.. but that's not as bad. I have a belly band, do physical therapy, and chiropractor. I have decided I am going to have to stop working sooner then I planned... but really need to try to make it to 34 weeks. I am currently 29 weeks and my belly is already measuring what a singleton measures at full term. My boys are measuring 2 weeks ahead, but are healthy as can be! And content where they are. I am very happy they are healthy and happy. But I just don't know how I am going to function for the rest of this pregnancy 😩

I have backed off a lot from work ( a desk job ) and have started to work from home some. I have decided I will be wrapping a lot of things up the week of thanksgiving ( when I am 30 weeks ) and do what I can until 34 weeks. But you guys, this pubic pain feels like I might break or rip in half when I walk. To me it's worse then labor with my son was, because that only lasted a few hours and then boom... no more pain. This pain is getting worse as each day passes 😩