What is wrong with him?


Hey guys,

I don't usually make posts like this but I feel like im getting a little bit desperate now. I met this guy on tinder almost a year ago and we've been talking ever since. He seems really sweet, compliments me, laughs at my horrible jokes and all in all is a great guy. the word 'seems' is used here because we still haven't met one another.

This is where the problem sets in. When we first started talking he was living in the same city as me but because we both worked meeting eachother became close to impossible. he worked on the weekdays and I was in uni everyday on the weekday but I worked long hours on the weekend, I'm a bartender so I would work until the next morning. we'd always attempt to make an effort to meet each other but it never happened.

then he moved to work in another city 4 hours away, but only on the weekdays. We still kept in touch and he comes back to his home city on the weekends. I should probably mention that this guy is a TERRIBLE texter. for example he'd message me erly in the morning with 'Good morning beautiful xx' and when i'd reply or ask him about his da he would read it and not reply. it drives me crazy.

Recently I managed to get my manager to allow me to work Fridays and Saturdays and give me sundays off. this was perfect because now we're both free on Sundays. HE would always make plans with me to meet up on sundays but when the day would come I wont hear from him. I came to the conclusion that he just wasn't into me. but he would pop up everyday with good morning beautiful and notice the little changes in the way I texted him. He even realised when I changed my WhatsApp Dp and proceeded to text me and tell me that I'm his dream girl.

I thought maybe he was a catfish but we snap each other all the time and I have him on every social media platform. what the hell is his problem. at this point im done entertaining him he's starting to really piss me off. any advice would be great thanks xx