Ovulation dates changed on Clearblue Digital. Anyone else??

I have been tracking my ovulation for 5 cycles now. Last month I never got a peak reading really not sure why because the other times I did. In my tracking of ovulation I found out I ovulate 11/12 day on a 26 day cycle. But today I got my peak reading which is earlier then I have been getting by 2/3 days earlier because today is the 9th day. Has this happened to anyone else that they ovulated at different times on different cycles? I really had it planned out that I would ovulate Sunday/Monday so I planned out my BD but now I'm not sure. Im going to the Dollar Store after work to get a cheap ovulation tester and I will also test with my other Clearblue Digital when I get home to make sure my peak reading this morning wasn't a fluke. I will be BD again tonight. I was going to skip tonight and BD Saturday through Monday because I thought I would ovulate later on then today. I was really looking forward to this month ovulation because the past couple of cycles my SO has been working the night shift and it was hard to BD because of his schedule. But this week SO is on days so that's why I was excited about this cycle really trying for our rainbow baby. I had a miscarriage in October. Do I still have a chance if I BD tonight???