4w6d pregnancy symptoms


I was getting nervous because I wasn’t having any nausea so I started POAS and my line progression gave me peace! At 4w5d my test line was definitely darker than control line 🙌🏾 so no nausea, but my other symptoms include

-INSOMNIA! I wake up every night to pee and can’t go back to sleep for atleast 2-3 hours

-heightened sense of smell (which SUCKS 😭)

-increased appetite, I will eat and either still feel hungry or will be hungry like an hour or so later again 🤔

-lower back pain & mild cramps

-Frequent urination

-EMOTIONAL 😭 everything I watch (movie, tv show, videos) ... they all make me teary eyed.

This post is just for those like me who may freak out if they aren’t having any morning sickness, there could be other symptoms.. or no symptoms at all. Wishing you all a happy healthy pregnancy 💕