Bf has no sex drive


When we first started dating, we had sex multiple times a week. Everything was great. We’ve been together for 8 months now and sex is almost nonexistent. About 4 months ago he started having erectile issues where he wasn’t able to keep an erection and he told me that this has happened with previous girlfriends and he had to take Cialis. I thought that if he had erection issues than this would happen most of the time but he has no issue masturbating. So last month we had a talk and I told him how important sex was to me because it makes me feel desired and close. So we were able to have sex that night with no issue. But ever since then, we haven’t had sex. He never initiates and he never seems interested in it. I stopped initiating because every time I did, I would get rejected.

I’ve never been with someone who has virtually zero sex drive. How did it go from sex all the time to none at all?? He’s a great boyfriend but I’ve never had this issue before and I’m not sure what the solution is.

And no he doesn’t watch porn...

If we have the talk again, we’re going to have sex for a day and then it’s going to go back to zero sex until we have another talk?

I keep wondering is he not attracted to me anymore? Is he gay? Is he not interested in me sexually? I don’t know what to do?
