Is it understandable, your spouse getting intoxicated to his own desires on a regular and never home ?

Well here I am with another post about my relationship. My guy works 2 jobs now , I didn’t see him much at all with the first job seeing he works til 3 am . He now has a second job, I understand he is trying to make money , but i feel I’ve been a house wife before I got pregnant and now even more .

He made the comment that when I had my child I would be the main one babysitting . How do u babysit your own kid? I’m going to watch my kids regardless . Well he has a second job where he gets off at midnight , his friend came and picked him up and he decided to stay out til 3 am again ..

Then when he gets home the baby is up and he wants to act all sleepy but why not have the energy u had with your friends ? He got off work tonight around nine and is gone again , he claimed the store was closed which that’s common sense it’s Sunday .

But it’s not cool for me to be watching two kids all day and he has no want to come help . I’m very grateful for my baby boy and love him more than anything and my daughter , but as far as the father I want to leave. I just don’t feel he can fulfill my establishments, although he pays the rent but he also stays here so why not . But the love is gone .

The other night I woke up to my baby screamin and my guy had him but was completely knocked out . I don’t understand how he can have energy to get drunk and party with his friends late but when he comes home to watching his son he just falls asleep on him and I can’t deal.

I really don’t want to be ungrateful Bc he pays the rent but I’m seriously fed up. I don’t even wanna leave him around my son Bc majority he will be sleep, but when his friends call him to go party or drink he’s at the bar til about 3am. I’m so sick of it ladies and trying to hold back tears Bc I find myself everyday cleaning up and doing it all by myself ...