Mom fuel


I wanted to share my story in hopes that it may help others 🤗

My milk supply dropped when my little one was about 7 months old. I had tried supplements promising improved lactation, eating all the right “milk producing foods”, drinking more water, and nothing was giving me the results I so desperately wanted

A good friend of mine had posted about these plant based all natural supplements she was taking that boosted her milk supply. Seeing how it changed her life I decided to give it a try.

I was hoping that it would improve my milk supply ... what I wasn’t expecting was for it to do SO much MORE!

For years I struggled with constipation, pregnancy and post partum hormones only made that worse 😖At best I would go every other day but usually it would

be even longer than that 😅

Now I’m able to go 1-2 times DAILY and with so much more ease then before! 🙌🏼

I’ve also seen improvements in my immune system, I get sick LESS, I have MORE energy to keep up with work and my baby, my skin is CLEARER , I have LESS sugar cravings, I’ve LOST weight, and even have less puffiness in my face!

It’s also helped me to provide for my family and allow me to be at home more with my little one 🤗

If any of this sounds like you and you are looking for a change, let me know! 💗😊