C-section incision reopened tonight 🤕 can it heal on it’s own?

Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Mama of three 💙💞💙

I made a post yesterday about my csection incision healing slowly etc... well tonight a portion of it has reopened 🤮

Close up:

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Last time I saw my doctor was in October and I had four small holes still in different areas, doctor told me to just let it heal on it’s own and there was nothing they could do for me bc it has to heal from the inside out? Well those holes healed but now I have different bigger hole. Do you think this is small enough to heal in its own?!

Btw I’m 11 weeks postpartum.

Posting on here bc my health insurance cancelled at the end of October and I won’t have again until the first of January! I’m going to email my old doctor in the morning a picture and ask if they can give me advice at least but kind of freaking out.