Well, hello there Due Date

Holly • Wife to an amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mama to two sweet and spunky little boys 👦🏼👶🏼💙


Somehow we (me, my husband, my mom and MIL, friends and family) all thought little man would have showed his face earlier than this. But, here we are and he’s still comfy as can be 🙃

I have an appointment this afternoon with the same doctor I saw last week, who had said we’d discuss “next steps” if not born yet (meaning at this upcoming appt). I’m so hoping to just get scheduled and have that official light at the end of the tunnel!

Last night I thought we finally might be getting somewhere after having contractions (not overly painful but at least consistent and able to be timed for the first time this pregnancy!!!) for about an hour.. but of course they died off 😂 Speaking of, I had to laugh because of course I just kept my eye and didn’t feel it was the real deal yet so didn’t mention to my husband - why send him into a frenzy needlessly right? He catches a glimpse of my phone with the app going and goes “WAIT, are you having contractions?! Should we go?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Immediate panic mode. (Because exactly this lol) Men are so cute 😂 No, hun, let’s just go to bed and if they wake me out of a sleep then we’ll know it’s go time. Spoiler alert - clearly its morning and here we are, baby-less 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway.. I’ve somehow finally let go of the expectations. One way or another, he’s gotta come out.. they always do! 😉 Happy Due Date to any other of you beautiful mamas out there sharing the same. I hope we all have our little bundles in our arms soon!!!

(If you’ve seen any of my other posts and couldn’t tell.. I love the office 😂)