Mid cycle bleeding or Pregnancy?

Mari • Mom to a baby girl ❤️

Note ( I have always been regular 28 day cycles probably a day off sometimes)

Timeline: I'm currently on CD 15 and I experienced some light spotting. With some mild back pains and mild cramps. I have never in my life had this happen before. Could it be my period? Even though its not that heavy. Or Could I have ovulated early and it's implementation bleeding? I don't know what to think.

(My aunt said she went to the dr when she bled a little mid cycle and it turned out she had a UTI and with medication it cleared up.) I usually know if I have a UTI because I've been to the emergency room before because of it mind you I was 18 so i was ignorant to what a UTI was.

Has this happened to anyone before? I also read it could be ovulation bleeding, but its been 2 days with this light pink blood. (I have a high chance of having twins or triplets it turns in both my family's & my mom is a twin).