Boyfriend being distant because of family issues?

So my boyfriend and I just started dating late last month, October 28 to be exact. We are long distance, but the problem is he’s being emotionally distant. I try not to expect too much communication at this moment because he is having issues with his mother which are really bringing him down. He hasn’t specified the reason why they’re having issues because he says it’s heavy and he doesn’t wanna put that on me yet. Anyways, I’m not exactly sure how to support him and give him space at the same time. I made him a playlist because music is kinda his emotional outlet... but besides that he’s not exactly speaking to me currently. Conversations haven’t gotten very far because somehow his mother always comes up. IDK. I can be patient. I get it. I never wanted to speak to anyone when my father was abusing me. I was too scared the truth would come out. I wasn’t prepared for a court case or for a custody fight between him and my mother or any of that. But I do want him to know he’s not alone. He struggles with depression. I don’t want him to fall down the rabbit hole.