Blood Work

Natalie • Married 5.17.14 💍 Mommy to Domenico- 11/2/16 💙 Mommy to Nicolette- 6/15/19 🎀 6/28/18 👼🏼

8 weeks and 1 day. I went to get my routine blood work and urine done. I ate before, and I was feeling fine this morning. They stick me then take about 8 tubes of blood, when the phlebotomist took the needle out, the snap back hurt so bad. Then she realized that she needed 3 more tubes of blood, then went to stick me in the other arm. I started getting sweaty, losing my breath, fuzzy and very dizzy. I was screaming take it out. It was so scary, I was sure I was gonna black out. Thankfully the ladies were so sweet and got me orange juice, ice packs and let me lay in the room while I got some color back and felt better.

Going back in a couple of days to get the rest. Ugh...has this happened to anyone else. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I don’t remember getting this much blood drawn all at once 😭😭