FTM questions!


Okay mommas who have had babies before or you who've already had your baby in this group! I'm a FTM so first time going to experience labor, and I'm 40+1 today so we're just waiting on baby boy.

• What did "early labor" feel like for you? And was it the start of active labor for you?

I woke up this morning with uncomfortable, but not necessarily painful, period like cramps that have lasted all morning. I wouldn't say that they're time-able (but I haven't been trying to time them), but they have been pretty constant all morning.

• does baby still move around and is active during either early or active labor?

Baby has still been very active this morning but I'm not sure if they're able to be active during "real" contractions or not!

I feel like these are dumb questions but both mine and my husband's parents are several states away and waiting for the word that "labor is starting" to start making the trip over to us so we want to give them as much time as possible!