Infertility by chance? Should I worry?


So, back in high school (about 6 years ago) I had a birth control implant in my arm. I had it put in because we thought it would help with my seizures. See I have Epilepsy and at the time my seizures were happening before or after my period. So we thought, “Hm, maybe the hormone levels are causing it.” So the implant happened and it was in my arm for about three years maybe. When it was in my arm though, all it did was give me two periods a month (not every month but still, most) and unfortunately it did nothing to help my seizures. So, yesterday night I was talking to a friend who said because of having so many periods, that could have messed with my chances of getting pregnant. He said his girlfriend went through a similar situation (minus the Epilepsy of course) and she said if it stayed in her, it could mess with her chances, so after two months she had it taken out. So now I’m concerned that since I had it in for so long and had that happening, that I may not be able to get pregnant or if I can, chances are slime. And that sucks cause I really do want kids at some point. Thoughts? I’d really appreciate the help.